Chabad at Oberlin

Bringing Chabad To You

As the world is experiencing an a time of such uncertainty, Chabad is here to be a constant in your life and part of your Oberlin experience

There is a teaching of the Chasidic masters that says“Happiness breaks down all boundaries”. No matter how far we may be from one another, if we choose to take on this challenge with joy and happiness, then the boundaries that keep us separated will not exist. Below you will find a menu of programs, virtual gatherings, and projects to keep the Jewish community of Oberlin connected and strong.

Check back often as new programs and projects will continue to be added

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Hear from alumni and parents of Obies who have experience in a wide range of professional fields, from the not-for-profit sector, to education, to a conductor, and even Wall Street about how they found their passions, directed them into professions, and how their Jewish identity plays in their lives.

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Soul Searchers

A podcast with some soul…Listen to the previous six seasons of Rabbi Shlomo Shmoozing with Obies about life, Judaism, and just about everything else under the sun. Also be on the lookout for new episodes coming to your ears.

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Shabbos Angels

A weekly dose from Devorah’s kitchen. Each week a recipe or two will be posted, then on Thursday evenings Devorah will host a live cooking demo with those recipes to enhance your Shabbos table at home.


Coffee with the Rabbi

Schedule a time to chat with Shlomo about just about anything, shmooze, study, or a bit of both. If we close our eyes we can pretend we are in Slow Train.

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L’Chaim Club

Every Friday you can join a zoom call with everyone from your Chabad family and hear a short inspirational thought and say l’chaim…Just like at Chabad House in Oberlin.


Virtual Classroom

Bring the ancient wisdom of Judaism and it’s teachings into the modern world. Through the power of Zoom there will be numerous online learning opportunities throughout the week.